Multicultural Fair
Date: April 11th
Contact: Nilou at multiculturalfair@curiepta.org
Date: April 11th
Contact: Nilou at multiculturalfair@curiepta.org
At our annual Multicultural Fair our students will experience some of the many cultures and nationalities that are represented at our school. We will set up booths where the children will visit and interact with our Curie volunteers showcasing their native culture, customs and traditions. Students fill up their passport books with stamps documenting their travels, and maybe even get to taste a new cuisine!
The Curie Multicultural Fair takes place during school hours and has been a very popular event. Volunteer opportunities include working a booth or being a tour guide. As a booth exhibitor you will be presenting on campus during the school day. Tour guides can choose from one or more of the many time slots per grade. We hope that you will sign up to exhibit a country, or help take students around the world!