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Curie News: April 16, 2023

Writer's picture: Curie Elementary PTACurie Elementary PTA

In This Issue

  • General PTA Meeting (Hybrid): Wednesday, April 19 at 7 PM

  • 2023-2024 PTA Board Elections

  • Earth Day Produce & Book Swap: Friday, April 21 at 2 PM

  • Family Science Night (UTK - 2nd Grade): Wednesday, April 26 at 6 PM

  • Art & Music Showcase: The Details!

  • In Case You Missed It

  • Volunteer Corner *New Library Opportunity*

  • Coffee with the Principal: April 20 at 8 AM

  • Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week: May 1 - 5

  • Volunteer Tea: Tuesday, May 9

  • Art & Music Showcase: Wednesday, May 10


General PTA Meeting (Hybrid!): Wednesday, April 19 at 7 PM

General Association PTA meetings are now being held both in-person & online! If you'd like to join us in person, the meeting will be held on campus at Curie in Room B14 (closest parking is the back lot at Curie). We'll be serving refreshments & hopefully seeing both new & familiar faces.

If you prefer to continue attending virtual meetings, you may use this Zoom link (which remains the same each month). A reminder will be sent on Wednesday as well.

Board elections are happening this week so be sure to attend! Meetings last one hour & everyone is welcome; the more voices we here from the better.


2023-2024 PTA Board Elections

PTA Executive Board elections are coming up on April 19 at the general meeting. We will be voting on the slate of nominees posted below. While all positions are technically open, we are focused on rounding out the board by recruiting members to fill the vacant board positions also listed below. If you have any interest in joining the board or learning more about the board & the open positions, please click the link below or email Nicole at:

Slate of Nominees:

  • President: Candi Russell

  • Treasurer: Susan Cellitti

  • Recording Secretary: Kerri Bertrand

  • Historian: Kate Auda

  • Auditor: Dianna Crilley

  • 2nd VP of Programs & Education: Jessica Hardy

  • 4th VP of Membership & Communication: Lori Lents

  • 5th VP of Room Representatives: Mia Sneag

Vacant Board Positions:

  • VP Ways & Means

  • VP Event Coordinator

  • VP Spirit

  • Parliamentarian*

  • Corresponding Secretary* *Positions appointed by President


Earth Day Produce & Book Swap: Friday, April 21 at 2 PM

Is your home library starting to overflow? Maybe your garden is producing lots of chard but you're really in the mood for beets?

To celebrate Earth Day at Curie, gently used books & home-grown produce can be brought to the traffic circle right after school on Friday, April 21. We'll have tables set up so Curie families can come & swap their items. There is also a box in the front office where you may drop used ink cartridges for recycling. Let's take care of the earth together! Contact Sara with questions:


Curie Science Committee Presents: Incredible Science

Join us for a night of super science & fun!

  • Who: UTK - 2 Grade (siblings & those who missed fall science night are welcome)

  • When: Wednesday, April 26, 6-7 PM

  • Where: Curie Auditorium

Food for sale starting at 5:30pm by Girl Scout Troop 4486!

Kids should wear closed-toed shoes. Please do not attend if you have any symptoms of illness.

For more information, please email


Art & Music Showcase: The Details

Date & Time

Wednesday, May 10th from 4:30 PM - 7:30 PM*

*Please note that the date has changed from the original date on the school calendar; the event is now on a Wednesday.

Art Exhibit/Performance Details

All students will have art work on display.

  • UTK - 4th grade art will be on the blacktop.

  • 5th grade art will be housed in the Auditorium where 5th grade classes will also have a recycled art project on display.

  • TK - 3rd graders will participate in a singing performance.

  • 4th & 5th grade VAPA students will participate in band, choir & orchestra performances.

  • During intermission, Ms. Deb’s band & orchestra will also be performing.

  • Please remind your student to wear a shirt in his or her assigned color on the day of the event (see flyer below for each grade level’s color).

Family Food Options

There will be 3 food trucks with dinner options (tacos, Italian, & lumpia), a Mahalo Shaved Ice truck, & a Boba Truck. The Scouts will also be selling some grab & go options.

Art Contest

We are also running an Art Contest over the next few weeks. The theme for UTK/K is “Spring”, & the theme for 1st- 5th grades is “Design a Wall Ball Court.” One winner will be chosen per grade. Winners for each grade will be announced the night of the event, & 1st - 3rd places for each grade will receive prizes. In addition, the winner from 1st- 5th grades will get the honor of painting a wall ball court on the black top with their family. (UTK & Kinder are not participating in the wallball contest). We will pick a weekend in May for families to paint with the guidance of Mr. B & Principal Duren. We are accepting 2D Art in any medium. The art must not be larger than 11x14 & should be labeled (on the backside only!) with the student first & last name, grade, & teacher. Students should turn in art without photo frames. There will be drop-off bins located in the front Office & in the art room. The art will be judged by the Art & Music Showcase Committee plus Mr. B & Principal Duren.


If you have any questions about the event or the art contest, please contact Kerri at

Thank you,

Kerri Bertrand & Jenni Owen

  • Online shopping at the Scholastic Book Fair is still available through April 20. Every purchase earns rewards for Curie!

  • EdUCate’s 2023 Taste of the Triangle will be held on Friday, May 12th from 7-10 PM at Farmer & The Seahorse. Come enjoy tastes from local restaurants, music, beer, wine, cocktails, exclusive auction items & more. General admission tickets are $85 per person before 4/30 & $100 per person afterwards. If you would like to donate a ticket for staff/teachers, the ticket price is $75.

  • Student Council is running a coin drive at Curie during the month of April. All funds raised through the coin drive will be donated to the Make-A-Wish Foundation and prizes will be awarded to the lower (TK - 2nd grade) & upper (grades 3 - 5) classes that collect the most money. Each teacher has a jar in his or her classroom to collect coins.

  • Past newsletters can be found on our website!


Current Opportunities:

  • Our librarian, Stephanie Perea is looking for 3-4 volunteers to help her organize the library. She is specifically looking for damaged books & to make sure all books are checked back in. This may take 1-2 days, depending on volunteer interest & commitment. Ms. Perea is on campus every Wednesday until 4 PM. If you are interested, she can review tasks with you on a Wednesday & then you are free to come back & organize another day according to your schedule. Please contact Ms. Perea with questions & interest at

  • Sign Up to Volunteer at the Art & Music Showcase! There are still lots of volunteer opportunities for both day-of & pre-planning tasks (including tasks you can help with by completing at home). There is even a sign-up to bring outdoor games if you have any to lend! Check out this link to sign-up.

  • Curie Crew is recruiting volunteers to help refurbish the wall ball courts on campus. The target date for installation is currently the afternoon of April 29 & we are hoping to recruit enough volunteers to complete the job in approx. 2 hours. Please send an email to if you'd like to help out.

  • Curie is looking for volunteers for lunch duty; email Penny in the front office at

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